Laural of Luna's
Letters to the


Dear Br. Stewart, your knowledge and insight were a blessing and inspiration to me. In the midst of trying to learn what it was my heart wished me to follow, to understand what my family had taught me, and to experience the Sacred, your words and works, as well as those of your wife's were invaluable. As much as I mourn your passing, I look forward to seeing you again, freed from the pain that you were in! Blessed Be!

HP Ambrosius, Salem Coven


To Stewart Farrar:

In Memory of a Wiccan High Priest

A Friend, A Witch, A Wiccan Priest
To our sorrow is now deceased.
Our sorrow and sadness, Strikes to the bone.
Though our Gods have taught us, He is now home.

Our Lord has led him, Through the gate of Sea
To the Northern Land of Summer, Where Happy is he.
Embraced by our Lady, With Love in her arms.
In a land of beauty, with no sorrows or harms

There he rests, In peace, Love, and Joy.
Someday to come again, as a little girl or boy
He rest there now, as if on Summer Break.
Deciding next life, what lessons to take.

For death and life, are one and the same.
Opposite players in the exact same game.
Each unto the other, A balance to be
Like the roots and branches of a magnificent tree.

Loved and beloved by his very dear wife.
who taught him to forget his sorrows and strife.
And the love they shared, was meant to be.
It was as deep and abiding, as the Sea.

Miss him we shall, for a friend was he.
Husband, Lover, Brother, As he intended to be.
A Guide and a Guard, a Sword and a Spear
Protecting those his heart held dear.

But reunion will come, again we will meet.
In the Land of Summer, Where Sorrows are fleet.
In Love shall we gather, and hold each other near.
Till, Someday we return with another body, in another

Shieanar Nightsonge Moonchilde


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